Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe

26153 - Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe
26153 - Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe
26153 - Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe
26153 - Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe
26153 - Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe


Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style Europe

Item number: 26153

Men's and women's trousers in trekking military outdoor style
- 1A goods
- Total: 17 712 pieces in warehouse (33 pallets)
- Material: 100% cotton, 55% linen and 45% cotton
- Colors: anthrazit, eukalyptus, dark brown, light elefant, brown, khaki, sand,
- Sizes in each carton/je Farbe : XS (2 pcs), S (2 pcs), M (3 pcs), L (1 pcs), XL (1 pcs)
- goods are in polybags and not opened (see Foto):

Ladies pants:
- Colors: anthra - 2 844 pcs
- Colors: eucalyptus - 2 844 pcs
- Colors: dark brown - 1 098 pcs
- Colors: light elefant - 1 098 pcs

Men's pants:
- Colors: brown - 1 971 pcs
- Colors: khaki - 1 971 pcs
- Colors: sand - 2 943 pcs
- Colors: anthra - 2 943 pcs
Price take all: 4.50 EUR pcs.
EXW Geremany

Additional information:

More pictures More pictures here

Price: 4.50 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.